© CHRISM 2019
CHRISM is The National Association for all Christians who see their secular employment as their primary Christian ministry and for those who support that vision. Most of us during our major active years spend the bulk of our time, talents and energy in secular occupations of some sort, some paid, some unpaid. All of us have responsibilities and some degree of power in those roles, some are even in positions where the decisions we make can affect the lives and well-
To help ourselves and others to celebrate the presence of God and the holiness of life in our work, and to see and tell the Christian story there.
To foster these aims CHRISM publishes a quarterly journal and occasional papers, holds an annual conference, organises occasional retreats, a monthly online discussion group, and pursues worldwide links. Click here to see ‘CHRISM 0’ for a brief summary of what we are about.
CHRISM Conference and AGM
Where do we see reconciliation and redemption in the workplace? Join us to explore how to approach healing the hurts of the past, differences, and the issue of truth and justice. The conference, which takes place at Sarum College in Salisbury from 18th-
CHRISM Theology Discussion Group
This Discussion Group, which is open to all CHRISM members, provides an online forum where we can reflect on and discuss the theological aspects of our work. We meet monthly by Zoom for an hour and a half. Previous topics have included: The Importance of our Work to God and Us, The Idea of Rest, What is Work?, Justice at Work, The Kingdom at Work Project, Eternal Life, Christian Perspectives on Conflict in the Workplace, Organisational values -
If you are interested in joining the Theology Discussion Group, please email me at rev.julian.e.blakemore@gmail.com and I will add you to the invitation list so that you receive Zoom links for this and future meetings.
We look forward to welcoming you.
Julian Blakemore
CHRISM / MODEM meeting
Click here to view a video recording and here to listen to an audio recording of the online meeting which took place on 11th October 2022. The meeting went into breakout groups from 33 minutes into the recording until 1 hour and 3 minutes. You will want to skip over this section.
What? |
How? |
Quotes |
Book |
Theology Group |
CHRISM Papers |
Other Papers |
Journal |
Library |
Model Agreement |
Regulations |
Common Tenure |
Churches |
Colleges |
Related |
Similar |
Other |
Fund Raising |